Pool Rules:
Age Restrictions
General Pool Rules
General Pool and Pool Deck Conduct
Large Groups Using the Pool
Wading Pool
Age Restrictions
- When lifeguards or attendants are not present:
- Children age 12 and under need to be accompanied by a responsible adult (age 18 & over) at all times the child is at the pool
- Bathers age 13-17 must not use pool alone
- Member families are permitted fifteen (15) guests visits per calendar month. The sponsoring Member must accompany all guests.
- Guests are not permitted to sponsor other guests.
- Members are responsible for informing their guests of Club rules
General Pool Rules
- No person with a communicable disease may use the pool.
- No person under the influence of alcohol or drugs may use the pool.
- All swimmers must shower before entering the pool per King County Board of Health. Soap, lotion and sunscreen residue left on the skin can affect the chemical balance of the pool water.
- Members must sign in all members and guests in the registration book for each daily visit (whether or not you swim). Members are allowed to bring up to fifteen (15) guests per month.
- Pool capacity is forty (40) swimmers at one time. See bather load in “Large Groups” section, below.
- The lifeguard is not responsible for supervision of playground equipment or clubhouse.
- The lifeguard or any adult member has full authority to enforce pool rules and to eject any person who does not comply with them.
- All patio lights and underwater pool lights must be on when swimming after dark.
- Adult supervision is required on playground equipment.
- Glass is not allowed on the pool deck.
- Food and drink are not allowed while in the water and needs to remain at least six (6) feet from wading pool and four (4) feet from main pool.
- Pets are not allowed inside the pool enclosure.
- Proper swim attire must be worn when in the water. No street clothing allowed.
- During open hours, the pool may be cleared for use by “adults only swim” for ten (10) minutes of each hour, or as designated at the lifeguard’s discretion.
- During adult swim, no babies with adults are allowed in the pool.
- Pool deck furniture is not allowed in the pool, nor is any other non-aquatic equipment. Approved equipment such as rafts, kickboards, balls and float aids are permitted, but may be removed at the discretion of the lifeguard or an adult member if being misused or deemed unacceptable equipment for use in the pool.
- The Lifeguard Trustee and team reserves the right to close the pool as needed at any time based on such issues as safety, inclement weather, etc. at their sole discretion.
General Pool and Pool Deck Conduct
- No diving in shallow water. Diving only allowed in deep end of pool, beyond the blue deep-end indicator line on pool floor. If uncertain, always check with Lifeguard on duty for clarification.
- Running, fighting or dunking others as well as pushing or shoving anyone into the pool is prohibited.
- Profane language is prohibited.
- Swimmers must avoid tracking sand or other debris into the pool
Large Groups Using the Pool
- It is respectfully requested that if you have a large gathering poolside that you utilize the grass area. Feel free to bring plastic banquet tables from the activity room out on the lawn (provided a rental does not need them.) This will help alleviate overcrowding of the pool deck.
- It is all members’ responsibility to help monitor the bather load. If you see the number of swimmers exceeding twenty-five (25), please contact the Lifeguard Trustee so the chemical balance of our pool can be adjusted
Wading Pool
- The wading pool is under lifeguard supervision.
- The wading pool is for children aged seven (7) and under only.
- Wading pool capacity is eight (8) waders.
- An adult must be supervising their child in the wading pool at all times within arm’s reach of their child.
- Children age eight (8) and up may not use the wading pool during adult swim or “all kids out of the pool” time.
- Babies and toddlers must wear swim diapers.
- Food and drink are not allowed while in the wading pool and must remain six (6) feet from wading pool and four (4) feet from main pool.